Thursday, 14 February 2019

Bitbose ICO Review by AltcoinPlace

BitBose Platform is created in order to create a decentralized bank solution that is used based on the blockchain technologies. The team of the ICO is working on the aspects to provide revolutionary fund managers to all the investors as well as the traditional online traders so that it is easy for the investors to utilize their finances in an efficient manner on a single platform. This helps in boosting their investment as well in all the market conditions. The concept of BitBose involved a trading robot called as PADDY. It is one of the investment ecosystems that is backed by Hybrid technologies.


The main objective of the ICO is to introduce the BOSE ERC20 token which acts as a central currency and involves in all the transactions on the platform. Any user can buy the BOSE tokens and will have access to all the features of the platform that will help them to register in it. This umbrella will be like a bank under British law and will be abiding all the rules and regulations of the system in place. It works on the principle of Hybrid technology and the main objective of the ICO is fulfilled. BitBose uses AI which constantly learns by means of a machine learning like a loan officer. This also verifies the eligibility criteria of the person who is desirous of getting a loan. Further, it assigns a credit rating and the maximum amount that he/she can avail as a loan.

Read Full Article: BitBose ICO Review

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